Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Where to play paintball?

There are various types of paintball fields offer a challenge and excitement for the players. Paintball fields, add the general perception of the sport.


"Castle" is, as it is called by a bunch of paintball players the "purest" type of institution, where is paintball played. Get the feeling of the real game of war in this type of field players.

In short, is the field of a remote area in the forest, which has an open area. Player "Hare", learn stealth or how the field in a very misleading way further.

Concept fields

The field concept is created with many objects, which often set outdoors, for players to shelter or protect of the search. Concept fields have usually a theme, the most, the most common is the setting of the urban city with cars, buildings and many other elements of the city.

There are some fields, very creative with their themes, such as medieval themes with castles, which have towers, wagons, and excerpts of people. The concept is interesting and fun: players can customize the skill level of the group by adding or removing obstacles.

Speedball fields

According to paintball, there are fanatics, the exciting and challenging all Speedball fields. They consist of evenly spaced and equally large obstacles.

The challenge here is that a player will see not past the enormous obstacles and meeting can clash or anyone at any time. With the smaller obstacles, a player can hidden one-way, but revealed to another player.

Indoor fields

These fields provide a much different approach and from a field outside of the encounters. Paintball is the first and important thing that launch new players guns are very loud: some find that the sound hurts your ears, so they wear ear plugs; but this is not necessary most of the time.

Indoor fields are located in the cities where it to a lack of open space to the game play. Much like in the free fields, sports halls offer also a wide range of topics and set ups. The offer is valid as the main difference.

No matter where you play, the basic paintball idea the same remains, a team with a great team effort is the key to the game of paintball. The option is yours: choose a field that suits your interests and your performance level is the best. Paintball fields are as varied as the imagination.


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